Arctic SDI Geoportal Site | Development Site | Service Level- Statement |
Metadata | Terms of Use | Geoportal Factsheet |
Arctic SDI Geoportal (https://geoportal.arctic-sdi.org/) provides access to geospatial data and services available via the Arctic SDI. Specifically, the Arctic SDI Geoportal facilitates the discovery, visualization, evaluation, download and integration of geographic data from a variety of sources for the Arctic.
The purpose of the Geoportal is to support and facilitate monitoring, management and decision making, and support sustainable development in the Arctic.
The Arctic SDI Geoportal includes
Responsibilities: The Arctic SDI Geoportal is operated by National Land Survey of Finland in the Arctic SDI cloud environment hosted by the Norwegian Mapping Authority.
Software: The Geoportal is based on Oskari open source software developed and sustained by the Oskari Network member organizations – visit http://oskari.org/
Standards Compliance: The Geoportal can access content provided from the following OGC APIs:
WMS 1.3.0 | WMS-T (time series data) | WMTS 1.0.0 (tile service) | WFS 2.0 (GML 3.2) |
ESRI raster REST services are supported as source of data. Older versions of standards may also be used, but are not explicitly supported.
Support for OGC WFS 3.0 and Vector Tile services are in the roadmap for Oskari software.
Projections: The Geoportal supports following EPSG projections:
EPSG 3571 Bering Sea | EPSG 3572 Alaska | EPSG 3573 Canada |
EPSG 3574 Atlantic | EPSG 3575 Europe | EPSG 3576 Russia |
Change and Release Management: Geoportal functionality is updated on a regular basis. Update cycle follows the Oskari software releases, which occur typically 6 to 7 times a year. Before any update, new or updated functionalities are made available for testing in the development site of the Geoportal. Security and other important fixes may be applied on both production and development sites without prior notice.
Access Information: The Geoportal is open and available for anyone to use under the Terms of Use.
Users may register to the service to gain access to more functionality.
List of new and updated features: <insert link to the relevant page on the Arctic SDI website – to be developed>
Arctic SDI Geoportal Site | Development Site | Service Level- Statement |
Metadata | Terms of Use | Geoportal Factsheet |